Threats Mass Challenge Stress???

Stress becomes epidemic everywhere. In everyday life man was friends with stress. Indeed, we don't have to worry because the particular stress in addition to challenges that encourage people to carry on working. but, if tuguh and soul is unable to withstand the load ??? then stress will turn inside threat that often devastating bullion human life. 

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IDENTIFYING STRESS SINCE EARLY So as Stress Can Be Encouragement For You To Achieve Something Desire And Not Become a threat, you will would you like to Recognize correcting body against stress. In line with Dr. Al Bahri Husin Stress Can Lead Change Behavior Or Physical Condition One. When you as possible Can recognizes That You Are " Stress, " workarounds would MUCH EASIER. Don't Let Stress Stress Demi Piling, As If Not Getting Attention Stress Can Lead A More Severe Physical Pain, Or More Far Again, Threatens Your Mental Health " Especially For Those Who By Genetic You can find a tendency Affected Depression And Anxiety Fast Feeling. " You Don't Ought to Fear Of Stress, But Should You Need Vigilant When Stress From Your Life Approaching. There will be Some Common Body Reaction Occurs On Those Who will be stress. With Body Reaction Reaction Recognize On Stress, You Can Seek For Immediate Memecahkanya. Body For Stress reactions, Among Others, Hair Loss Head, Eyes Vision Blurred Or Being Mendua, Brain Function Decline, Dry Mouth Da cracked, Face And Body Prone Skin dries. " Reaction For Stress Can Also Form Often Forgotten ". Kamui body reaction is Quick Feels Tired Body And commonly times Breathe Until panting. At the guts beat Stress People Also Faster And Generally Accompanied At Left Chest. Stress Sufferers Often defecation or diarrhea. Also Stress Can Spur Increase Blood Sugar Levels Uris Channel Feels Sakitusus Constipation, Libido (Passion Sex) Decrease Or Berambah, And Muscles Often Feels Sore And Cramps. Liable to Stress : In line with experts that there have been so many professions, among others : Police : The sign There's something wrong in pencernan, caramengatasinya to stay a way of humor. Doctor In Hospital : The sign is hard to rest, how you can take care of regular exercise. Stock Brokers : mark continuous fatigue, how you can take care of keeping the nutrition and well-fed. Reporter : Being irritable, how you can overcome them overcome alcohol and caffeine consumption. If any one these symptoms happen for you, you ought to leave and enyerahkan responsibility to other people who you believe. How you can take care of stress is definitely very individual. You will also find those that take care of pemijatas reflection, venture upon activities the fact that they enjoy or to become given a surprise by his wife or child families. Stress response : There will be seven levels of response everybody give to Stress People check out the signs of danger (pfisik and psychologically. People feel threatened causing panic, anxiety. You can find a strong influence in themselves to stress that clashes. The clashes resulted in someone become traumatized and conduct a listing on the events that happened it. People try to save lots of themselves. Trying to revive self-confidence When stress to interfere with the daily kehidudan, you ought to seek the help of experts. During this case the individual who is under stress conditions require healing efforts with counseling. " Attempts to ensure people's attitudes toward the trauma that ever happened to him could change. Adjustments to attitude will just be followed by your change in behavior.